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Stephen Kingロバート・ゴダードはイギリスのベストセラー作家。2ヶ月前にはこちらもイギリスの作家であるケイト・アトキンソンの本を読んでいたし(参考)、イギリス作家にはまっているんでしょうか。
Past Caring by Robert Goddard
[St. Martin’s Press, 1987]
The best books—yes, books—I’ve read this year are the mystery/thriller/suspense novels of a British writer named Robert Goddard. I happened on him by accident; a handful of his books have now been issued in America, but I had to get most of them direct from Britain, where he’s a bestseller. Goddard has written at an amazing pace—17 or 18 novels in as many years—but his writing is sharp and sometimes poetic. The stories, which usually center on well-kept secrets from the early part of the 20th century (in Closed Circle, the secret is a group of well-heeled British manufacturers who caused World War I) are amazing tricks of conjury. Here are surprises that really surprise. The protagonists (the books are stand-alones) are decent fellows out of their league who mostly—but not always—find a way to muddle through. These are authentic stay-up-late-to-finish stories, and there doesn’t seem to be a bad one in the bunch. The place to start is with Goddard’s first: Past Caring.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stephen King is a video star.
The animated video adaptation of the horror master's short story ''N.'' has been viewed more than a 1 million times on the Internet and on mobile phones since its release in July, according to publisher Simon & Schuster. King has well demonstrated his digital appeal before; his e-novella ''Riding the Bullet'' was a sensation in the early years of the Internet.
''Stephen King has once again lured his readers to try a new way to enjoy a story,'' Susan Moldow, executive vice president and publisher of Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster, said Thursday in a statement.
The print version of King's short story, in which a psychiatrist fatally absorbs the madness of one of his patients, is included in the collection ''Just After Sunset,'' released this week.
Variant Cover by TBA
Sketch Variant by JAE LEE
In this final issue of the arc, Cort, the trainer of gunslingers announces that Gilead has been infiltrated. The man responsible is one of John Farson's spies and most likely has not been working alone. And the ultimate goal of the infiltration is the theft of the immensely powerful mystical object which Roland Deschain stole and brought to Gilead—Maerlyn's Grapefruit!
40 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory…$3.99
Since the Golden Age of Eld — when Gilead was first named the capital of the fledgling Kingdom of All-World — the city has served as Mid-World's most influential urban center. In the latest DARK TOWER handbook, explore Gilead's seedy Lower Town and its affluent West End corridor! Learn about the religions of Buffalo Star and the Queen o' Green Days! Marvel at the legend of Lord Perth! Beware the threats posed by the Blue-Faced Barbarians and Kuvian Night Soldiers! The GUIDE TO GILEAD is the only way to navigate the past, present and future of this magnificent metropolis!
32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory…$3.99
The Office will be a revolutionary interactive virtual world based on the office of Stephen King. This bold new experience will offer users a chance to step inside the very eclectic space of Mr. King and explore the many artifacts, memorabilia, and items housed within his office. Look for The Office to open its doors in 2008. Just don’t break anything!The Office では以下のコンテンツが用意される。
The Story: The evil wizard Marten Broadcloak secretly visits Gabrielle, the disgraced wife of Steven Deschain, ruler of Gilead. He subtly manipulates her into agreeing to murder her own husband for him. But there is another mysterious figure with the same intention, so it will take all of Steven’s considerable prowess to survive the threats. Meanwhile, his son, the young gunslinger Roland, continues to stare blankly into the magic sphere called Maerlyn’s Grapefruit. And the things he sees are not for mortal eyes.
The Story: Ever-evolving and ever-deadly, the superflu "Captain Trips" continues to spread across the country, affecting even such far-flung lost souls as Larry Underwood in New York and Frannie Goldsmith in Maine. As rumors about chemical warfare and bubonic plague start seeping into the media, the actions of the American government begin to devolve, legal systems local and global start to break down, and two reckless outlaws--Lloyd Henreid and Poke Freeman--decide to take advantage of the situation, cutting a path of destruction through the American southwest. It's murder and mayhem, Stephen King-style, in the third chapter of this epic struggle between good and evil!
Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory …$3.99
Yahoo! JAPAN IDをお持ちの方
当選人数: 400名様
Based on one of Stephen King’s most suspenseful short stories, Dolan’s Cadillac is a suspense thriller in the vein of The Dead Zone, and The Secret Window.
Tom Robinson is a peaceful, law-abiding schoolteacher. When his bride Elizabeth accidentally witnesses a murder, he finds himself on a road straight to hell. The killer is James Dolan, Las Vegas’ most ruthless and untouchable mob boss. Elizabeth agrees to testify against him and soon we find out just why Dolan has remained untouched… Anyone who dares to go up against him faces deadly consequences. In Elizabeth’s case, a bomb strapped to the bottom of a car.
Devastated by her death, Robinson tries all the legal channels at his disposal to bring Dolan to justice. But without hard evidence, Dolan remains free, able to run his empire seemingly untouchable. Frustrated and alone, Robinson begins to receive visits from his dead wife urging him to seek revenge. Is Elizabeth really reaching beyond the grave or has he begun his slow decent into insanity? Robinson continues to hear the voices and is driven to construct his own plan -- an elaborate and dangerous one-in-a-million shot.
Joining a dangerous road construction crew of ex-convicts, he battles the heat and dangers of the Nevada desert working by day, and at night he tries to infiltrate Dolan’s underworld. Haunted by the ghost of wife, Robinson transforms himself into an obsessed vengeance machine, pushing himself beyond the breaking point of mind, body and spirit.
When the two men finally meet deep in the heart of the desert, Dolan’s Cadillac climaxes with an amazing test of wills - the ultimate duel in the sun. The Cadillac, which has been Dolan’s armor, may just as easily become his tomb.
This is Vengeance, Stephen King Style.
渋谷駅に1408号室 現る!?らしいです。(期間:11月1日~11月30日)
オカルト作家マイク・エンズリン(ジョン・キューザック)のもとに、ドルフィンホテルから「絶対に1408号室に入ってはいけない」という謎めいた言葉の葉書が届く。"ドルフィンホテルの1408号室に宿泊した56人の客がすべて死亡した"という事実を知ったエンズリンは、支配人の忠告を無視し、1408号室の扉を開けてしまう。試してみましたが Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 7 + Windows Media Player 11 では再生されませんでした。 既に IE7 がインストールされている人は こちら を参考に IE6 に戻してお試しください。また WMP 11 は「コントロールパネル」から「プログラムの追加と削除」を選択、Windows Media Player 11 を選択して「削除」を選ぶと WMP 10 にダウングレード出来ます(または 私のようにWMP 9 まで戻ります。もう面倒なんでパスします。皆さん楽しんでくださいね)。これらを実行してパソコンの具合がおかしくなっても私は責任持ちませんのでよろしく。
・応募方法:本映像(「『1408号室』プロモーション映像 試写応募用 予告」)を最後までご覧いただくと、試写会の応募フォームが表示されます。必要事項を記入し、試写会にご応募ください。
「Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0」をお使いください。
視聴のために必要なPC環境OSはWindows XP、プラグインはWindows Media Player 10です。