
ミュージカル"Ghost Brothers" 初演は9月のアトランタで

スティーヴン・キングと歌手のジョン・メレンキャンプが共同制作しているミュージカル Ghost Brothers of Darkland County は今年9月にアトランタで公演される予定のようです。

Kris Kristofferson, Rosanne Cash Cast in Star-Studded Musical - The Boot

詳しいことは不明ですが、昨年4月15日から5月10日まで公演予定だった(その後延期された)、アトランタの Alliance Theatre で行われるのでしょう。

また、このミュージカルの公演前に "Ghost Brothers" の CD/書籍セットが発売されます。CD は3枚組み。3枚のうち、2枚にミュージカル全編が収録され、残りの1枚は使用曲だけを収めたものになる。書籍には脚本が収録。

StephenKing.com より
Update on Ghost Brothers of Darkland County
December 15th, 2009 2:57:18 pm

John Mellencamp has virtually completed recording and “assembling” the “Ghost Brothers of Darkland County” musical theater collaboration with Stephen King.

John and King have edited the initial three-hour program down to two hours and 10 minutes—with a bit more editing still to come before producer T-Bone Burnett completes the tracks. When finished, the recording will be available in a novel book package containing the full text, two discs featuring the entire production of the spoken word script and songs performed by the cast, and a third CD of the songs only.

The story involves domestic turmoil, and is played by a stellar cast led by Kris Kristofferson, in the role of Joe, the father, and Elvis Costello, as the satanic character The Shape. Rosanne Cash plays Monique, the mother, with the sons enacted by Will Daily (Frank), Dave Alvin (Jack), Alvin’s real-life brother Phil Alvin (Andy) and John (Drake).

Sheryl Crow stars as Jenna and Neko Case is Anna, with boxing legend Joe Frazier playing caretaker Dan Coker and Stephen King himself in the role of Uncle Steve. The narrator is “24” star Glenn Morshower.

John stressed that the three-disc package is not a traditional audio book, but offers an experience more akin to listening to an old radio show with music; he further emphasized the challenge inherent in making such a project work.
Ghost Brothers of Darkland County - Wikipedia

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