
ドラマ版「コロラド・キッド」Haven は 2010年秋公開か

Hollywood Reporter などによると、ドラマ版コロラド・キッド "Haven" は 2010年の第1四半期に撮影開始、2010年秋ごろ放送開始の予定だそうです。

E1 tackling Stephen King's 'Colorado Kid' - THR.com

The Globe and Mail などの記事は、Haven を制作するカナダのテレビ製作会社 E1 Entertainment 重役の言葉を引用して(下にコピペ)、キング自身が Haven 制作に強く関与するようだと伝えていましたが、これは間違いであり、StephenKing.com の掲示板にアシスタントを通して次のように投稿しています。
"I'm not personally involved, and the concept is much more X-Files than it is The Colorado Kid. I okayed the pilot script, which is good (or was, as of the last draft), but there's no possessory credit, as in "Stephen King's The Colorado Kid," and that should tell you something. Basically, they're doing their own thing, and given the less than lyrical reader and critical reaction to the story as published in Hardcase Crime, that's okay with me."
私はドラマに関わっていない。ドラマのコンセプトは「コロラド・キッド」というより「X ファイル」に近いものだ。パイロット版の脚本の出来はよかったから(あるいは少なくとも最終稿の段階では良かったと言うべきか)、私はオーケーを出した。しかし、たとえば "Stephen King's The Colorado Kid" のようなクレジット表記はされない、と言えば事情を分かってもらえると思う。基本的に彼らは彼らのやりたいようにドラマを制作するし、「コロラド・キッド」へのあまり叙情的でない一部の読者の反応を考えると、それでいいと思う。

What scares Stephen King? - The Globe and Mail
"He had his reasons. He might have been disillusioned a little with the development process in the U.S.," Peter Emerson, president of E1's television division, said of Mr. King's decision to partner with the Canadian company.

"He wants to be able to do it without putting it through a studio that's going to pay 100 per cent of it and consequently have that control. ... That created a unique problem for us, because that's not normally how the business works. Normally you get the U.S. studios involved first and then sell internationally."

Mr. King is not commenting on the deal. However, the author is said to have been upset with the treatment of some of his work on television and in films, and also wants to retain a greater share of the proceeds from Haven than he would if the rights were bought by a studio.

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